Friday, August 19, 2016

The Book

An author has the privilege of writing a book.

It comes from a deep understanding of the subject or a pretension to know the subject deeply. It may be wrong in toto or it may be right totally. Here is an attempt to prove either of them.

Being fragile has its advantage, it tends to reflect any advances or it has an immediate response on the basis of what is in the air. But as time passes, even the purest of transparent glass tends to become opaque, opaque with thoughts, with collection of judgments with knowledge of talent or maybe just a banana skin.

That the banana is a multi vitamin has no doubts. But the challenge is in the Apple. It has an advantage of being dissected by half or by four or even by six. It essentially is a factor of what suits you, how comfortably you want to wallop or enjoy the fruit immensely by digesting into it slowly. But biting into an apple versus having each of the six pieces has its own spelt out moments of glory – you cherish each of the pieces rather than each bite of a single apple.

The big part is how do you cherish each of the pieces equally well, because in all our teachings it is said puritanically you can not covet more than one piece.

And while you accept that there are moments to cherish in the pieces, you find that the distance between the pieces is too much to bear. You wonder, whether it is the distance that makes it fonder or is it the sheer joy of nibbling into the piece that makes it better.

Over the years, having grown in an orchard – cared for and protected by the near and dears itself have been life’s biggest treasure. And within all that; in a stroke of lightning – you are encompassed by the thunder, the rain and the quench of the thirst. Getting wet in the rain is as much as a pleasure as getting mucky and as much as exciting as walking by the beach drenched in the rain and in the comfort of warm hands and a multitude of hugs.

It reminds me of the song ….. If you like making love in the rain, if you love pina coladas

Such is life, you just never know where the bend leads to, can be for good or can be for worse – it is not necessarily a yearn but its just a bend that leads to a bed of roses with equal measure of the thorns that adorn a rose plant. But the fragrance and the myriad colours is something to cherish.

Or is cherish just an understatement, and as the bend takes the road you bite into the apple piece nibbling it and dwelling into the juice and the taste of it – ensuring that it stays with you any which way.

But yes, distance matters even as you stay connected for now and forever.


The shine and lustre of swarovski adds to the elegance of the lady. That it has a delicate look and a reflection of the multi splendour charm is only an added grace. 

The effect of it is even more when its graces the neck with love and becomes a hall mark and honour of a fragile relation.

Why Fragile?

In the distance of time, when you nurture a relation, it becomes that much more challenging - the delicacy of the bond gets measured by the words. The unseen emotions just adds to the glory of punishing yourself by getting into a shell and not getting to understand the facial expressions of the other person that is in tandem with the emotions of the months. 

It may happen - that punishments wary - to some it is silence - to some it is  delinking from FB - to some it is to block from whatsapp - to some others - its about blocking the number - to some others it may be plain not responding to the emails and or to the calls. 

Just as there are so many opportunities to connect - similarly there are that many ways to stay disconnected.

The heart remains unseen in all this, all that comes on the fore is the face, the speech and the texts.

Imagine the challenge of the person who is poor at language, who cannot express his emotion by speech or text - how will the emotions get spelled out. While the other person is not seeing the expression - the NO gets magnified - the YES becomes sarcastic - Huge chances of deciphering everything  - As criminally expressed, is possible. 

Hence, they say eyes speak volumes and this can only happen if it meets more often - only then will the speech, the text and the million other ways of communication fails.

Heres to you - The Eyes